Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun gets it:
"The press release went on to cite almost $2 billion in tax reductions and other savings for business, industry and the resource sector. At the same time, the Liberals claimed the shift would be "revenue neutral" for the provincial treasury.
Which meant -- though they didn't quite say it -- that other taxpayers will have to pick up the slack once the new tax regime kicks in next July 1. For the most part, the extra burden will be shouldered by consumers, who will start paying the 12 per cent on formerly PST-exempt goods and services.
Thus, the unauthorized translation of "the biggest thing we could do for the economy" -- whack individual British Columbians for hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes.
"If they thought this was such a good idea for the economy," as James said this week, "why didn't they introduce this during the election campaign?""
So what is BC Premier planning on doing with the whack of cash which Harper's Tories are to pay the province for "harmonizing" the provincial PST with the federal GST?
"Which helps explain why the Liberals have so far rejected using any part of the $1.6 billion in federal transition funding to provide relief to consumers, a la Ontario where the provincial government is offering rebates of up to $1,000."
The Cat has a suggestion for the Premier.
Use the $1.6 billion to purchase and/or build welfare housing and solve the open sore of the Ghetto of the Poor which locals somewhat misleadingly call Downtown Eastside. Having bargained for a windfall, show some leadership and finally take some steps to reduce the problems.