Friday 31 October 2008

North Carolina Senate Race gets Nasty. Ad war over religion

And the media thought our ads on Dion were harsh. The senate race in North Carolina between Elizabeth Dole and Kay Hagan is going to be one of the closest in the United States. It could very well determine if Democrats achieve 60 seats in the Senate giving them a filibuster proof majority. Some of the media and of course Dion complained about Conservative ads against him. Liberals ran attack ads against us trying to link George Bush to Harper. As you can see from the ads below; our negative attack ads are very mild compared to what we see South of the border. Personally I believe that while everyone says they dislike negative advertising, ultimately it works. Of course if you go too far, it backfires big time. Not sure how these ads will impact the outcome on Tuesday, but they are quite interesting. Current polls show Democrat Kay Hagan with a slight lead in the race. Mixing religion and political campaigns could be risky. Any thoughts on these ads or negative ads in general?

Dole campaign ads:

Politics and Religion:

Kay Hagan Response Ads

Social Security Attack

Standard George Bush Ad for Democrats


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