Thursday 30 October 2008

Bill Clinton reminds Americans of the Good Times

: CNN is now showing that Obama will safely win Pennsylvania, Nevada, Colorado, Minnesota and Virgina. He is now projected to win at least 291 electoral college votes to 163 for John McCain. 85 electoral college votes are considered too close to call with MO, FL, IN, OH and NC being the only remaining battleground states. With the exception of Indiana; Obama currently leads in every remaining battleground state. No one should be expecting a close race on Tuesday. Expect Obama to win at least 300 electoral college votes and likely closer to 400. It's over.

It has been a great final week for Barack Obama. Recently he has been endorsed by Colin Powell and other Republicans. Polls are going his way in states currently held by the Republicans. Last night he made headlines and released a great 30 minute television infomercial that not only outlined his vision and platform, but also was 100% positive with no shots at McCain fired. Last night Bill Clinton reminded Democrats of when the economy was strong, when the budget was in surplus and when jobs were being created during his time as president. Bill Clinton on the campaign trail with Obama also guaranteed that Obama would have a good news cycle today and with only 5 days to go that is important.

Now on the US election, perhaps I have been a little overkill. Some people are getting tired of Obamamania. In 5 days, I will no longer be writing about the US election after blogging about it since 2006. It has been a historic primary. An African-American candidate for President. Two prominent women Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton taking center stage and breaking down barriers for women. A slate of political all stars running in both primaries that included Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards and Joe Biden. We have seen endorsements, debates, speeches, a revolutionary internet campaign and a presidential election that really started following the last mid-term race in 2006. Millions have been raised and spent. The campaigning is basically over. The focus now for both sides must be getting out the vote on the ground, particularily in the swing states. This campaign has been exciting and turnout is going to be extremely high.

For as long as I have been supporting Obama, most of the criticisms have been the same. People say I am not Conservative. They question Obama's experience while insincerely trying to pass off Palin as qualified. There have been accusations that Obama is a Muslim. That he hangs out with terrorists. There was Wright, Ayers and other "scandals" as Republicans chose the route of personal and unsubstantiated attacks because they cannot run on their record over the past eight years. They have called Obama a socialist. They say Obama will ruin the economy as if it has been managed well under Bush. They say George Bush and John McCain are not the same but fail to site any differences. That is because there is no difference except on torture and climate change. On the economy, John McCain is more of the same. On foreign policy, John McCain is more of the same. On domestic priorities, John McCain is more of the same. Under George W. Bush (who inherited a surplus from Bill Clinton) we have seen record deficits, not once a balanced budget, the national debt has doubled, unemployment has increased, spending has skyrocketed, government is the biggest it has ever been in history, and the middle class is not better off than 4 or 8 years ago under this administration. People may point the figer elsewhere, but it is time to take responsibility and show accountability.

John McCain says he is running on change and that he is different from Bush. His policies are the same and his campaign has been nothing but mudslinging and negative attacks. Obama wants to build America up while McCain is focused on tearing Obama down. His low road attacks are not based in truth and his polling numbers show that Americans have rejected the recycled "liberal", "tax and spend", "socialist" and "weak on national security" labels that have been used in past campaigns. I have not seen one person comment about how George W. Bush has done a good job or has been a great president. People on the right and left are united in calling Bush one of the worst presidents in United States history. Unfortunately, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result. It is time for real change.

Barack Obama has been tested during these past two years. He has made an immediate impact in the senate dealing with arms control and ethics. He has experience in the state legislature. His campaign has been about unity and moving America forward. He offers the change that Americans and the world are demanding. His platform (or the video last night) shows that many of his policies are no different than what Conservatives are offering in Canada. Unlike McCain, we know exactly where we stands. He is running on the economy, an area McCain admits he is not up to speed on.

In 5 days, this race will be history. America will face many challenges and the results of this election will impact governments all around the world. Barack Obama is the right choice for these times. He is qualified to be president and has put together the best campaign seen in the modern world. He has brought new people into the political process. The enthusiasim and excitment for his campaign is incredible. He is the guy who can restore America's image on the world stage. This Tuesday, Americans should vote for change. Yes we Can!


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