Thursday 23 October 2008

McCain hits a new low

McCain hits a new low

John McCain is trailing badly in the polls and by all accounts is going to lose his bid for the White House on November 4. Now he is working on losing his legacy as a man of integrity and someone who promised to take the high road during this campaign. What happened to the straight talk express? As desperation sinks in, it is clear that McCain and Palin are attempting to throw as much mud as possible and simply hoping something sticks. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't change his lack of understanding on the economy, foreign affairs and the record of the Republican Party over the past 8 years. It doesn't change the fact he has turned off independents with his campaigning. It doesn't change the fact he is now on the defensive in states easily won by George W. Bush in 2004. It doesn't change the fact he has lost every debate. It doesn't change the fact he cannot raise anything close to Obama financially. It doesn't change the excitement and desire for change Barack Obama (with the help of George W. Bush) has inspired in America.

McCain is clearly out of ideas, out of touch and losing badly in this campaign. His VP choice is unqualified to be president. His party is not fully behind him. He wants to discuss anything but the economy - the top issue and priority of the day. Today McCain's campaign calls Obama a socialist and a terrorist. I guarantee you soon they will be calling him President of the United States.

It looks like the McCain camp is going to bring back Rev. Wright despite previously saying it was not relevant to the campaign. Just more flip flopping and confused messaging from the McCain camp. This is why people like Colin Powell have endorsed Obama and why I predict many Republicans will stay home on November 4.


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