Friday 21 November 2008

Palin turkey pardon interview blooper

I feel bad about posting this, but for the record I do not blame Sarah Palin for this blooper. Clearly her staff dropped the ball on this one and as a result they should be replaced. I understand the interview was live but the camera man could have cut Palin a break and moved to a close up shot once he saw what was happening in the background. Also the guy in the background with the turkey should have used some common sense when he saw the interview taking place and was stairing right at the camera when Palin was talking. Unfortunately this is a lesson to anyone in politics on how not to do a photo op. The decision to have her speaking with those machines in the background was questionable to say the least. Clearly Palin's people let the Governor down and should be held accountable for the embarassment caused to their boss. When you consider the prank call as well, one really has to wonder about the compotence of the people surrounding Gov. Palin. She has taken several shots recently in the media - some legitimate others unfair. This type of thing is the last thing she needs and it seems her staff are making 2012 harder and harder with each passing day. I suspect there are several blogging tories who could do a better job for her and at a much cheaper rate than those currently running the show. Governor Palin deserves better than this.


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