Friday 28 November 2008

10 questions unanswered about a coalition government

1, How can Michael Ignatieff be Prime Minister without being elected by either the members of his party or the Canadian electorate?

2, What cabinet positions will the NDP demand? La Press is reporting Layton wants 1/3 of cabinet seats including finance and the environment?

3, After the 1995 referendum, how can Jean Chretien plot coalition with the Bloc Quebecois?

4, If the BQ is not formally in the coalition what is their incentive to prop up the Liberals/NDP? What promises have been made that could impact the unity of this country?

5, If the Bloc is going to support the coalition on a vote by vote basis how long can this new coalition last given that they won’t be able to count on Conservative support on any confidence vote regardless of its merits?

6, Are Liberals prepared to face the Canadian public after making a side deal with the Bloc Quebecois to take power? Imagine the attack ads that will come.

7, Does anyone have confidence that Jack Layton is the right man to fix this economy?

8, If Stephane Dion is named Prime Minister will he ever give up the job?

9, How can you square threatening to bring down the government to “protect democracy” with regards to the vote subsidy and then later turn around and pull of a coup that slaps the Canadian electorate in the face by demonstrating that their vote doesn't count? I don't think anyone would debate that Dion was clearly rejected as Prime Minister six weeks ago.

10, Will Stephen Harper stay on as opposition leader should this all go down on Monday? If not who replaces him and how?


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