Saturday 29 November 2008

Media keeps ignoring one of the coalition partners...missing the real story

As the media cover this Liberal coup d’état, they seem to forget one of the coalition partners that are necessary to maintain the confidence of the house. A NDP and Liberal coalition means absolutely nothing and the Governor General has no right to even consider it unless the Bloc Quebecois is a formal part of the agreement guranteeing to support the Canadian government for a reasonable period of time. The Liberals have 77 seats and the NDP has 37. Together they have 114 seats, not even close to the 143 that Tories earned. An NDP-Liberal coaliton has no where near enough seats to govern and together are not even the biggest party in the House of Commons. By itself, a Liberal-NDP coalition lacks any kind of mandate and would be given no legitimacy on its own. Therefore the media needs to find out what has been promised to a party that wants to break apart our country. An explanation is required on how a party only concerned with the interest of Quebec is good to balance the affairs of the entire nation (FYI the Western provinces would go from 58 seats in the government to 20 under this arrangement. Quebec would go from 10 seats in government to 64 with the coalition) . Finally it needs to be determined if the BQ is a formal part of this coalition or is simply onside for only one confidence vote. If they are not in the coalition formally, every confidence vote will cause drama as Conservatives would have a responsibility and obligation to bring down this undemocratic coalition at all costs and on every confidence vote.

This whole process is an assault on democracy. Harper is exactly right when he says a soundly defeated Stephane Dion would rather simply take power than earn it. Liberals are not just entitled to their entitlements but feel they have a right to take power at any cost rather you vote for them or not. The willingness to work with the separatists question if they stand for anything at all. Giving socialists cabinet roles show a lack of confidence in their ability to handle the economy. Jack Layton in finance? Give your head a shake team red. The fact that this all started over their lack of ability to fundraise without the Canadian taxpayer shows the opposition care about themselves and their own partisan interests than the Canadians and economy they talk about. Canada will have no credibility preaching democracy to the Russians or Chinese if this coalition goes through with Dion installed leader despite not being elected. When did Canada become a banana republic? How will the markets react to Prime Minister Stephane Dion's Liberal Party of Toronto propped up by socialists and separatists. Liberals will ask Canadians to have confidence in Dion as Prime Minister when they lack confidence themselves in him as leader. During the last election they campaigned against the BQ and NDP and never informed the voters of any potential left wing governing coalition.

The media needs to do its job. The BQ has 49 seats and would be the second largest coalition partner in this arrangement. Are they part of this coalition or not? If so what were they promised. If not how can the GG have any confidence in Dion's ability to maintain the confidence of the house. Obviously they cannot count on any kind of support from us whatsoever. This story is not about a Prime Minister who miscalculated anymore, it is about Canada's old natural governing party selling out its values to the separatists and socialists for a couple months in power. How can anyone be proud to be a Liberal today. A sound defeat will come when Liberals eventually face a democratic election should this power grab actually take place.


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