Like others, I have called for the Liberal Party to announce well in advance of the election what it will be running on. I wanted the Liberals to put in front of voters a set of principles, of policies, which would make a strong case for voters to choose a Liberal majority government, rather than another Tory government.
I also believed that a properly constructed, well-thought out, and politically astute platform would steal the initiative away from the Tories, and give the Liberals a head start in the election.
Instead, we were told to wait for the election; that the platform would be a good one; that the theme would be a Fairer, Richer, Greener Canada; that this would stir the hearts of voters and lead to a change of government.
What absolute twaddle.
We end up with an election well into its second week, with no stirring over-arcing principles, with a bland theme, and what seems to be a laundry list of policies …
What a wasted opportunity!
Have Liberals forgotten how to do politics?
Maybe we need to send our Liberal Party leaders back to school, to learn Politics 101.
You do not become a government by acting like a bunch of middle-aged, uninmaginative shopkeepers.
Where's the steak?
Where's the sizzle?