I wonder if Harper is dissing women, with his decision not to allow Elizabeth May debate him in the Leaders Debate? Could it be that he does not like strong, articulate women who have opinions, and are not afraid to express them in his august presence?
Nah, Surely not. After all, doesn’t he look so cute in his cuddly little sweater, hugging kiddies and saying nice things about families? Surely such a warm, fuzzy guy would not be afraid of having a discussion on political issues with a woman? After all, aren’t women mothers (or at least some of them)? And aren’t mothers part of families? And isn’t he all for families?
Nah. Must be some other reason why he nixed the inclusion of May in the debate.
We understand why Layton nixed it: fear. An understandable motivation. If I was the leader of the NDP, I would be concerned about the Greens right now, seeing as how it is clear that this time round few Liberals are going to lend him their votes. Not after what happened last time they did ...
So that leaves the Green Party leader out of the debate.
But here’s a thought: why not have another debate? Between Dion and May? Invite Layton and Harper if they wish to attend, by all means!
What could Dion and May debate that would be useful to voters who are deciding how to vote come election day?
How about each leader comparing his and her party’s policies with the policies of the Tories and the NDP? They could do this in the first part of the debate.
In the second part, they could debate each other’s policies.
And in the third part, they could explore, with benefit of a panel, what it might take for the parties of the centre-left to come together into one party, and fight the united right ...
How about it, Elizabeth? Stephane?