This quote comes from an article on Obama, in which the author says:
“I like much of what he has to say, especially about energy, but I don’t think people are feeling it in their guts, and I am a big believer that voters don’t listen through their ears. They listen through their stomachs. If you as a politician connect with voters on a gut level, they will follow you anywhere and not fret about the details. If you don’t connect with them on a gut level, you can’t show them enough details. ”
That’s advice that you should listen too, as well, Mr Dion.
Don’t just talk to voters’ minds.
Talk to their stomachs, their guts.
Try to get inside them, with your narrative, so that they ‘feel’ you, and not just hear you.
Green Shift will only work to make you the next prime minister if the voters can feel your arguments in their guts. The same applies to the other Liberal policies which, I suppose, will be unveiled over the next month or so.
And best of luck!