Monday, 1 December 2008

Final option: prorogue parliament until January 27

It is clear that Stephen Harper has lost the confidence of the House of Commons. Opposition parties have been planning a coup d’état since the results came in on the last election six weeks ago. Harper now has two choices. Give up power to a coalition controlled by Stephane Dion, the separatists and socialists or simply attempt to govern constantly under threat of a coup and as a result lose the right to actually govern due to the fact that a united opposition would constantly force his hand. We have made concessions, but the opposition will not back down. They smell power even if it is unearned, even if the government would be illegitimate, even without a mandate from the people. At this point we can no longer control what happens. It comes down to an election or coalition government sooner vs. later. Therefore Harper should consider two options. The first option prorogue parliament until January 27. This would eliminate the House of Commons until the Harper government has a chance to come back with a budget. The budget could address things such as the stimulus package, auto industry and neutralize opposition arguments for a coalition. It could also be positioned as an election document and platform for what would likely be an election campaign in short order rather a coalition occurs or not. It could also demonstrate that the coalition simply wants power at all costs. Finally it would save us an election campaign over the Christmas and holiday season. Harper has a second option as well and that is to gamble people are disgusted by this coalition and visit the governor general right now or before December 8. That would force the opposition to rapidly put together their common agenda, conclude negotiations and formally sign a three way pact that the opposition could govern. If they are bluffing or if the coalition talks break down; we are in an immediate election campaign and the people can decide if they want the separatist Bloc Quebecois in their government coalition during these economic times.

Personally if I was Harper, I would prorogue the parliament until January 27. I would then put together a well thought out budget on the economic crisis along with a Conservative vision for going forward that could be used in an election campaign. If most "lack of stimulus" demands are addressed by the Conservatives as dictated by the opposition, the argument for the coalition will disappear. At that point any power grab would be seen for what it really is - opposition parties overturning the results of the election campaign. There is no question we have already lost the confidence of the House and can no longer work within this parliament. The only choice that remains is to visit the Governor General now and avoid delaying the inevitable or otherwise prorogue parliament, come back with a strong budget and position ourselves in the best possible way against this coalition. Volunteers and the Canadian electorate should enjoy the holiday season. Obviously parliament is disfunctional with nothing getting done. It is time to prorogue parliament until January 27 to give us the opportunity to prepare a budget and plan to address this economic crisis while at the same time delaying the total disaster a Dion led separatist and socialist coalition would become. Prorogue or visit the GG now. The choice is yours Mr. Harper.


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