Saturday 18 July 2009

The latest Angus Reid poll (July 18 2009) shows that the LPC lags the Tories in voter support in BC (where 40% would support the Tories if an election were held now, compared to a rather low 27% for the Liberals), and in the Atlantic provinces (where the figures are 37% Tory and 23% Liberal).

At the same time, the NDP streaks ahead in Atlantic with a 35% ranking, and scores a respectable 23% in BC.

When it comes to deciding who would make the best prime minister, BC favours Harper by 31% over Ignatieff's 25%, and in the Atlantic battlegrounds, Harper also leads, with 26% over 20%, and Layton coming in at 20%.

So what makes the Tories and Harper more popular than the Liberals and Ignatieff in these two areas?

Could it be the press reports that Ignatieff has decided to move the Liberal Party to the right (while he is leader)? Is the party losing out in these two areas because of this?

Or are there other reasons for these figures in this latest poll?


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