Liberals should read the following extract from Lawrence Martin's column in today's Globe & Mail. And then re-read it. And then read his whole article.
Because Ignatieff and his nameless advisors are betting the party on a wimpish, 'fight the last war' strategy, which is absolutely doomed to fail.
Martin writes:
"But if the Liberals don't change tack now, if they continue to drift, what position will they be in to go to the polls at that time? They would have only a short five-week campaign to turn things around. No big deal, said Liberals at party central. “In politics, things change real fast.”
With their roll-no-dice strategy, they better hope so."
Other points that Martin makes are equally valid, and Liberals concerned about the wallowing leadership of their party should now start asking pointed questions of all leaders in the party before it is too late.
To expect these advisors, who have shown such lamentable talent in the past year or so, to suddenly best Harper's Tories in a short election campaign, at a time most likely chosen by Harper, and with Harper's Tories given virtually free rein to capture the media's attention in the months leading up to the next election, is to court disaster.
The Liberals should become the next government, given the sad state of the economy, the inaction of the Tories, and the many missteps Harper has made, but this lemming-like strategy of these 'advisors' will ensure that Harper gets back into power as a minority government.