We are not spared! Emmy Nominations
Am I the only one on this Wedding Planner Frank just a bit reminiscent of Brüno? What's that, it's damn? Yes I do actually re-Giulia in Love. Sad as it is.
And this stupid innuendo "You're here in her bedroom, that is tight! Höhö reacts !"... no ... Well!
(Image source)
Uh, and where we grade on crappy reality shows are on a pro seventh A new is in store! And that gets the former Germany Next Top Model contestant and friend Mark Terenzi Gina-Lisa now has his own show!
looking for a "best Friend "no matter the MTV format with Paris Hilton" My New BFF "... So girls, you can still apply to you! Surely you are all as sharp as I plan to be Gina-Lisa's new best friend!
(Source: http://www.wunschliste.de/news/5279)