Thursday, 6 January 2011

Cancelling My Convention ... once again: (#

Yes, I must now post a LJ entry because I got an unexpected flood of Tweets to rethink that.

Look, it's like this: I have two really good days last year and 2 had really lousy.
The first was actually good in 2009, when I added the # Bine Aecon paid ticket, the first bad was then when I noticed it just goes not cancel and I have - and this after I have got so much on Misha and had already booked my Photo OP.
The second time was AFTER I decided I cancel Conventions completely out of my plans, but then learned that James and Oliver Phelps are the # Ringcon.
I have immediately applied as a volunteer, all planned and it would have worked out great - would have.
If this fucking car is not and there was my 2nd lousy day.

Just this fucking car is also to blame again, I cancel, but this time I'm smarter.
I expect around for months, day after day, going through what I've got money, Look what bills there are, what needs to be purchased.
Do you know what it is like to struggle to survive every month and it's pushed out again and again having to buy so banal trifles to which such ne fucking jeans for 15 Euro at KIK?
is my life and I exaggerate not. My money goes for bills and that my children have enough to eat and that's it.
You know, I'm sitting here not for fun and sometimes 3-4 days eat nothing

If my children need clothes or school supplies Jessica -! What is permanent, because yes they constantly messy their stuff - that means every time for me NEN little of the world.
Worse still, it is the month.
We have got our subsequent application on 11/11, which I promptly filled out and at 13.11. sent back.
To date we have no new permit decision, would not do anything stupid cents on the bench and I do not get the 50 € of my Mom, where alone € 10 account fee went away and the 60 of J, then we would hungry for days.
I have now for a week as the most necessary and on Monday I think I can again find the money for next Eating herkriege.
Not to mention that I probably sat there from next week without internet, electricity and car, because I can not pay one invoice, in addition there are interest us the car is scrap anyway - I had written so traveled, the day before or Sun

We need this car but shit. In addition, we have 4 months withheld the rent, which our landlord would have it, so we can make the apartment ready and somehow is out of control and I've spent the Mietgeld for us, larger ; ßtenteils for Jessica's birthday and for Christmas my children.
This money was missing and that amounts to at least 600 €, we have to pay the landlord back somehow, or he can terminate us and I need to see ne new apartment!

Now comes the next all accounts, including reminders and late fees so moreover, that the car is scrap and must be brought back into surplus, we must re-register us and car tax is due .. (What are also 300 €!)
My children need clothes, school supplies and Jessica takes our TV is broken .... BECAUSE S and the dish also because of the snow shit here
I have here a list of what Mega we need and I will if I can not now finally NEN job until the end of the year are in the red.

It's just hell, and I am slowly no more!
For this reason, I cancel today and immediately # Aecon2 because I do not want to think positive, happy, and then, when it happens again sitting here crying on Twitter and hate you all because you can be there and I do not.
I cancel today, look all this war that I would somehow regulated and 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after # Aecon2 not be on Twitter, because again I do not stand by that!

the 60 € that I get from J it, I, once the consortium has moved her ass and I got my money from those on hand, but I need for the spiral and Sorry, which is a top priority!
A. Do I want no more children
as the only way I can put the money on net site, I will indeed paid net
C. No, not other contraceptives are eligible
The spiral is in my opinion after safest, most reliable and effective contraception-also: I have no period problems since I have the spiral, so why should I be so stupid on it and give up?

I do not know now exactly what the cost.
My first time it cost 150 DM. My last one I'm wearing now cost 150 € plus 25 for the ultrasound.
You see: It is becoming increasingly expensive and why ultrasound, I explain that to you just once.
The spiral is taken out, then set the new one and must be checked by ultrasound is the then also correctly placed in the uterus. A week later I have to check again and what I have degrees forget about it, I better pay more consultation fee!
means I need at least (recalculate: 150 coil, 2 times U.S., at least 50 € ... may be that the costs here 30, so as with my old gynecologist and then practice charge 10 €) 210 € and I almost suspect the spiral are also cost more.

I wanted to be sterilized, but the doctor does not do shit because he thinks I was too young to and it was not necessary ... fucking doctors fucking health insurance! * Grml *

You know, by the end of mail I then still be about 150 euros, but it's not front and back for Con, as I need yes pp journey, food, etc. Photo Shoots ... .

Anyway: Asylum is gecancelled Europe 2. You very much fun in May, in Mannheim
and if it geht knuddelt mal Jensen, Mark und Richard ganz dolle von mir *kreisch*


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