Thursday 1 October 2009

Seems that his announced policy of supporting the Harper Tories until such time as they finally get around to passing legislation to up the EI payments for some 160,000 jobless Canadians might cause Jack Layton to run the risk of serious eye injury:

"The Conservatives face other upcoming confidence tests -- one on budget implementation measures that include the home renovation credit and another on a controversial levy that would collect $68 million on softwood lumber exports to the U.S.

Trade Minister Stockwell Day said the government is forced to introduce the measure to comply with an international trade tribunal ruling Canada lost to the Americans.
"We lost the final ruling. We owe $68 million in back taxes," he said.

Government sources dismiss suggestions the bill is an attempt to provoke an election. Liberals won't support it, and Layton warned there are limits to his party's support.

"If Mr. Harper starts throwing poison pills and poking people in the eye and adopting policies that are completely unacceptable and he knows it, well, then I think he's provoking an election," he said."

Better get some good goggles for all your NDP MPs, Jack: you are going to need it.

This Prime Minister just cannot avoid taking advantage of every political edge that comes his way, and believe me, he is going to ram as much through Parliament – with your support, of course – as he can before he legislates the EI funds.

So get ready to bob and weave, and send someone out for a few dozen goggles, fast!


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