Wednesday 17 June 2009

Once more to heel

Harper cut Ignatieff off at the knees with a few rather insulting 'concessions', and now the Liberals will support the Harper report card even though it is full of half-truths, misleading definitions, and vagueness.

It is time for Ignatieff to fire his advisors and get new ones; perhaps some who actually have some political sense, an appreciation of what politics is about, who know what framing means, and who are prepared to fight battles rather than recommend retreats.

Harper made Ignatieff look foolish and in turn the Liberal Party looks foolish.

If Ignatieff really wants to lead this party, he must take stock of his political reactions, and figure out what is not working. And most of what he is doing right now is not working. And then figure out how to change it before it is too late.

The nonsensical argument that Canadians do not want an election now is a craven caving in to the Harper framing, and for the Liberals in the House to parrot this is unforgiveable.

A summer election is not the issue.

The issue is whether Canada has the right government for these perilous times.

And most Canadians would agree that we do not have that.

What a sad week this has been.


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