Monday 11 May 2009

The Liberals now have a new leader with Michael Ignatieff's coronation, and past promises of reforms to the way our democracy functions will now have another opportunity to be fulfilled. It is a bit disappointing to the Cat the Ignatieff's team have so far failed to step forward with any inspirational vision concerning fixing the rot in Parliament.

In the meantime, Carole James, leader of the BC NDP, has assumed the mantle of electoral reform in that province, as this letter from her reveals (kudos to challengingthecommonplace blog for posting it):

Dear Chrystal Ocean,

As I wrote before, I think this crucial debate is too important to get mired in partisan politics, so I will not be commenting on STV prior to the referendum.

However, I am firmly committed to implementing STV if the referendum passes. And, if it does not pass, I remain committed to offering British Columbians the opportunity to vote on MMP.


Carole James, Leader
Official Opposition

With Campbell's rightwing Liberal Party and the provincial Conservative Party conspicuously absent on the question of electoral reform, James has put her NDP squarely in the forefront of reform, promising another referendum on a modified proportional representation system if the BC STV referendum fails to achieve a 60% vote on Tuesday.

How about it, Michael?

Care to put before all Canadians a significant platform of electoral reform for our federal politics? A system with some form of proportional representation will do far more to reduce regional tensions and empower ordinary citizens than any number of speeches you might make to Calgarians.

Why not back real reform instead of simple lip service to the concept?
Canadians deserve to have their votes counted, and to have their votes made significant. Today's system (first past the post or FPTP) reeks of illegitimacy.


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