Wednesday 6 May 2009

Next week, if all goes well, more than 60% of British Columbians casting votes will vote to change the archaic, undemocratic and ridiculous first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting system in that province, and will select a new form, the single transferable vote (STV).

If that happens, BC voters will usher in a new wave of democracy for Canadians, finally giving ordinary voters better choices. After an election or two in BC using the STV, Canadians in other provinces will push for a similar choice (perhaps STV, perhaps mixed proportional representation), and politicians in those provinces will be forced to allow a vote on a replacement for the ludicrous FPTP system.

And within a decade or two, most provinces will have adopted a voting system which gives the power of choice to the people, not to political party hacks.

And then the pressure to bring democracy into our federal votes will start mounting.

If you know any voters in BC, email them or phone them and ask them to vote for STV next week, and to in turn email or phone or twitter others that they know, to bring out the voters and make this sensible choice.

If you twitter, then start a Twitter for STV movement by twittering everyone you know and asking them to do the same. Let twitter power help pass the STV in BC!


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