Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Thank you, Jack!

If Stephen Harper wins a majority on May 2 he will be given the keys to our Parliament and be able to do what he pleases. He will be able to jam legislation through the House without any check from the Senate, which the Tories now control.

For four years he will be able to show contempt for Parliament each and every day.

He will be able to do these things (and much, much more):
  • Disregard the rights of our MPs to have proper information given to them in order to do their job properly and represent us, by refusing to vote his majority government in contempt of the House;
  • Prepare and pass budgets based on fudged figures, projections that do not show the true costs of major items, and optimistic estimates of growth;
  • Viciously attack and destroy any civil servant who dares to question any Tory initiative, including blatant breaches of our laws;
  • Jam through massive further tax cuts for corporations, and so "starve the beast" for the next 20 years, putting in danger payments to seniors, and our health care program;
  • Gut any regulations he wishes to;
  • Continue his shameful use of taxpayers' money (our money) to boost his party and his standing.
A Harper majority poses a major risk to my country.

Jack Layton has addressed the issue of how we can avoid a Harper marjority on May 2:

NDP Leader Jack Layton is urging voters to think strategically when they cast their ballots, so they can get rid of Stephen Harper as prime minister...

"The way to stop Stephen Harper from getting a majority is to take Conservative seats one by one, and defeat the MPs who are there. That's how you stop Mr. Harper from getting a majority," Layton said in Regina.

Jack Layton is calling on every voter who is concerned about Stephen Harper winning a majority and running unchecked over our rights and freedoms, and our democracy, to vote for country rather than party.

We can best prevent another Harper government by voting to defeat the Conservative candidate in our riding. And the best way to do this is to put country before party.

If in the 2008 election the votes won in your riding by the Liberal and NDP candidates were more than the votes won by the Conservative candidate, but the Conservative ended up being elected because of the split vote between NDP and Liberals, then you should vote for the party that won the most votes in 2008 so as to defeat the Tories. If that was the NDP, then vote NDP this time even if you are a Liberal. If that was  the Liberal Party, then vote Liberal this time even if you are NDP.

I am going to follow Jack's advice in this election, and put my country ahead of my party in order to prevent another Harper Tory government.

Thank you, Jack!

O, Canada, we stand on guard for thee!


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