Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Here we are faced with an issue that in other countries would cause a party leader to implode and be denied any chance to form a government, and yet none of our polling companies dares to ask Canadians what they think about it!

Go figure!

Are our polling companies so entrenched in their ways – so stuck in a rut – that they are out of touch with the burning issue now being talked about at Canadian water coolers?

The issue is whether Prime Minister Stephen Harper is lying to Canadians about what happened in the Delta Hotel in 2004, when The Three Amigos gathered together to plot the downfall of the Liberal minority government and its replacement by the Harper Conservative government.

Two of the three men who made up The Three Amigos at those meetings have publicly gone on record accusing Stephan Harper of lying to Canadians about two facts:
  • that Harper called the meetings as part of a plot to replace the minority Liberal government of Paul Martin (which a few weeks earlier had won the most seats of all parties in Parliament – in fact, 38% more than Harper's new Tories had won) with a government lead by Harper; and
  • that during these discussions, Harper, Layton and Duceppe spoke about the possibility of a coalition of the Conservative, NDP and Bloc parties.
The press is full of articles covering these accusations that our prime minister is lying to us while at the same time urging us to grant him a majority government.

So the challenge to our polling firms is  to immediately add to their very next poll specific questions to voters about whether voters think Harper is lying about these two issues, or whether voters think Duceppe and Layton are lying about these two issues.


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