Friday, 4 September 2009

The Liberal Party changed the political contours of Canada in a drastic way in Sudbury, when it said that it would no longer support a dysfunctional Tory minority government. And despite all the pronouncements by spokespeople for the two smaller opposition parties, by Stephen Harper and Jason Kenny, and by countless journalists and talking heads, the die is cast.

This minority government is going down.

Ms Hébert sums up why this is so:

"Given a choice, Harper sounds like he would rather see his government defeated than depend on the Bloc or the NDP for its survival. And Duceppe and Layton's core supporters really have zero tolerance for a prolonged cooperative spell between their parties and the Conservatives.

Notwithstanding the public assertions of the leaders, the current manoeuvres have more to do with establishing their respective places around the deathbed of the minority Parliament than with significantly extending its life."

So the preparations for the coming election will be stepped up in all five parties, because seasoned political pros know that the death knell of Harper's government has been sounded.

You only have to watch the nervousness of the Kenny's and other Tory MPs on television to see that they know this is true, and are worried stiff. They can sense the tide is coming in, but for the re-energized Liberal Party, not for them. And they know that the early indications can be found in the two latest polls.


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