Friday 19 October 2007

Now that the first of several dust storms has stopped swirling around the Throne Speech of Firewall Harper, the time has come to talk, not of cabbages and kings, but of minding the store.

It was no secret that there was going to be a Throne Speech.

It was no secret that the Throne Speech was going to be crafted by Harper, one of the craftiest politicians the right wing has produced to date in Canada.

It was no secret that Harper, based on advice of certain Republican advisors, is a believer in the perpetual election.

It was no secret that Harper can play divide-and-rule with the best of them.

It was no secret that the Harper crew's campaign to frame Dion as a ditherer, unable to make a decision, and as an ineffectual politician and non-existent leader, had gained enormous traction over the past few months.

Therefore it should not have been a surprise to the Liberal Party, and especially to the caucus of the Liberal Party, that Harper would be fielding a Throne Speech with several snares built in, especially designed for Dion, and for the Liberal Party, the main threat to the Tory's wish to become a majority government and implement their revolutionary changes in Canada.

Only a blind man would not have seen that coming.

Which brings us to the question of the day: Who the heck is minding the Liberal store?

Why on earth was the leader of the Liberals entering a room AFTER the Throne Speech, to debate with his caucus what response the Liberals should have to the speech?

Ever heard of planning, guys? Of foresight? Of being prepared?

I thought the behaviour of the Liberals in the last election was the worst that I had seen from a political party in decades, but the panic stricken reaction of the Liberal Party caucus to the Throne Speech seems to promise an even worse one come the next election.

Quo vadis, LPC?


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