Saturday 2 April 2011

Today the Tory Deputy Leader of the House let loose the dogs of war with his joking response to a serious question from a voter about our democratic rights.

Cannon & Baird and Contempt
In Ottawa two senior Tory ministers were slammed by a citizen for contempt of Parliament, and one minister slammed the House – including the Speaker – for a rigged vote.

The irate citizen mocked the Tories' "conspiracy defence" and said the contempt issue was the most important question of the election, which is being held at a time when hundreds of  people are dying for democracy in streets in cities all over the world.

This is a remarkable event, and a day that will long be remembered when historians ponder the 2011 election.

It is the day that the democracy dissents sweeping the world came to Canada.

Sheenagh McMahon - Canadian Hero
A solitary Canadian attended a Conservative Party rally and asked pointed questions of Conservative heavyweight ministers Cannon and Baird.

While brushing her questions aside, Baird said the decision was rigged, and in effect accused the Speaker of the House – a man he had praised a week or so ago, on the day the Harper minority government fell – of being biased.

When the Harper government lost a vote of confidence due to the majority of the MPs in the House finding it in contempt of Parliament, Speaker Milliken, ended his long term as elected Speaker of our House of Parliament.

This is how John Baird, Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party, praised the Speaker on that day:

Mr. Speaker, I am very privileged to rise today to pay tribute to a great Canadian, someone who will not be seeking re-election to this place after serving 23 years as the member of Parliament for Kingston and the


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