The Liberal Party has tabled a motion calling for an examination of the strange case of the "missing" letters sent by Karlheinz Schreiber to Prime Minister Harper:
"Therefore, the Liberal Opposition today put forward a motion to Parliament stating: That, in view of the fact that the Terms of Reference provided to Dr. David Johnston in the Mulroney-Schreiber affair may not provide the scope for Dr. Johnston to consider many serious and important matters, including the actions of the current government, this Committee undertake to study the handling of the Mulroney-Schreiber affair by the government of Canada between January 2006 and present. Mr. Thibault criticized the Prime Minister’s attempt to evade scrutiny by placing restrictions on the terms of reference for a full public inquiry. “For a man who claims he knew nothing about Mr. Mulroney’s involvement with Mr. Schreiber, it seems strange that he is so determined to prevent any public investigation into his possible involvement in the affair,” said Mr. Thibault." :: Media Releases
This is the correct thing to do, and Dion and his caucus should be congratulated on not letting this issue die. If there is a "parallel government" making decisions of the kind which were made regarding the serious allegation in the Schreiber letters, then the Canadian public needs to know who is making those decisions, what criteria they are using (the interests of Canada, or of a political party), when they made the decision, and why the Prime Minister was not advised of these significant decisions.