Tuesday, 17 July 2007
began Pötterdammerung ...
I fell in love with the expression Pötterdämmerung over at the Restricted Section's forum the first time I read it. It describes July 2007 just perfectly. Now, mind you, I still haven't seen the movie, but only because I have to organise several birthday parties at once - for my family, my friends and my collegues. And it really have to be three different thingies. Oh well, let's quiz again before the Doom starts.
I like Hagrid. And I am perfectly satisfied to be just Hagrid. He sounds like a really likeable person and he has some deep inner warmth and loyalty (*sigh* even if the person he is loyal to is not really the best). At least I am not some stupid assuming haphazard child after whom the book is named *hinthint*
Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!