Monday 7 February 2011

I feel like dying today .... (

I had despite everything that happened last week, especially Thursday, a good weekend and earlier today , at 10 h also super good mood, but grad's go amiss right.

Pscherer The woman was there and had early NEN's appointment in the school. She had "good" news for us, as she thought and was as follows:
Since Jessica does not participate in the grad school and absolutely everything denied that she has agreed with the teacher, who in my opinion, totally incapable and incompetent, and that Heinz School, which checks whether there are school children Suitable composed and which have now so Jessica is not found suitable for primary school.
My opinion? This village idiots are just too stupid to get it controlled!
honest: the son of my sister in law is the total Spasti. He takes his Teletubbie to school with and sucks thumb, will also be otherwise legally impeded, but should be in primary school and her other son, 3 1 times in the Class has remained seated, but my daughter who is really smart is in ne Depp school. Fuck off

Your oh-so-great proposal was now so that Jessica now available in a special school is that is in Sulzbach-Rosenberg, and then lunch in a Psychological day care, which would mean I would be up to 17 small clock away from home .
- come home, just hello, then I do already eat, shower children, feed them, put them to bed. SUPER!
I think the biggest mistake we might make, because it feels so now the neglected and jealous of her little brother.

her I did that as well as directly said and her reply was "Either they cooperate or there is the youth ministry and then the kids are away, "
you can not imagine how I felt and what was going on inside me. I mean, I called this woman, because I wanted their help to prevent this and only because the teachers are overwhelmed and totally something?
I then simply switched on or pulling, have my coffee and am taken to the bedroom. (Please do not ask me for my current coffee and cigarette consumption)

When that was gone - and I am not even adopted today - Siggi and I were completely down with the nerves and somehow went well today at all nothing more. I did not even cleaned up or something.

Jessica came for lunch from the school and has on its own, wholly realized homework and Siggi then went to her and told her what will happen to them.
It was so bad. The total received NEN Heulkrampf and I almost collapsed, therefore, it has clung to her dad and said, "You love me no more!"
.. If a mother breaks my heart, that is one thing, but this was something completely different .. that was worse. I swear to you.
Exactly that's just the point I was afraid and why I have refused to make it. I KNEW that Jessica feels neglected and jealous, they get there now, to inform us then has only 2 hours a day, is their downfall and for us it would make it worse.

I do not know how to do it the clear. The decision will ne to Wednesday and is definitely no!
Jessica was nervous today with school friend, the only one who still speaks with her because they avoid the other kids and their mother is absolutely not satisfied with the teacher and wants to use now that the at least the relationship between Jessica and her classmates better.
My suggestion would be, we focus our discussion now, rather than the children, but rather to Siggi and me, because as the problem, my view is, but she knows Ollen offices and psychologists.
nichtsdesototrotz But I cheer inwardly, because I knew from the beginning. I knew that this is the problem of my small and not exactly that they are too lazy, too stupid or rebellious is.
So fucking: get your ass back here and help us to become a couple.

As I said, it's not about my needs, it's about my children and for this I would give my soul.

Super Tagged by the way: my own needs.
I feel now as if I go basis, not just the bin is mega super fat and look like shit ... I miss my Jörk so terrible. It hurts so damn and I do not know what to do about it and how can I fight it.
I was bitchy yesterday and he ne very formal, "commercial" email got sent, because he will have nothing more to do with me privately, and contrary to expectations, he wrote me ne love all mail back .
I do not really like me to get through it all.

I J miss too much with my kids too much work up there's, let alone what to Siggi and I worked up and I'm already freaked out fast.
is still given that our car is the last 2 months on the MOT and we no longer expected to drive around with it, it gives up more and more the spirit, and now even the light machine that is still standing, but rumstottert like anything with God and I do not know where to get the money for a new car but desperately need one! Without a car here
's just not possible. Today is real once again one of these days when I hate my parents for that they bore me ....


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